Healthcare costs of patients on different renal replacement modalities: Analysis of Dutch health insurance claims data
Poverty and a child’s height development during early childhood : a double disadvantage? A study of the 2006–2009 birth cohorts in Flanders
Hematologic and Serum Biochemical Characteristics of Belgian Blue Cattle
Holy smoke in Medieval funerary rites : chemical fingerprints of Frankincense in Southern Belgian incense burners
Decline in AmpC beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in a Dutch teaching hospital (2013-2016)
The socio-economic status gradient in median lifespan by birth cohorts: Evidence from Dutch Olympic athletes born between 1852 and 1947
Attitude and behaviour of Dutch Otorhinolaryngologists to Evidence Based Medicine
Objective environmental exposures correlate differently with recreational and transportation walking: A cross-sectional national study in the Netherlands
Environmental noise is positively associated with socioeconomically less privileged neighborhoods in the Netherlands