Nation-wide prospective surveillance of Clostridium difficile infections in hospitals in Belgium, July 2007-June 2008.
Borderline iodine deficiency in Belgium.
Job stress and depression symptoms in middle-aged workers: Prospective results from the Belstress study
Teen Dating Violence: A Mixed Methods Study in French-speaking Belgium.
Epidémiologie des patients se présentant aux urgences pour dyspnée en Belgique. ; Epidemiology of patients presenting to the emergency room for dyspnea in Belgium.
Le burn-out des médecins généralistes en Belgique: conséquences sociétales et pistes de solution.
Increase in bloodstream infections caused by emm1 group A Streptococcus correlates with emergence of toxigenic M1UK, Belgium, May 2022 to August 2023.
Evolution of educational inequalities in site-specific cancer mortality among Belgian men between the 1990s and 2000s using a “fundamental cause” perspective
Moderate forms of COVID-19 among healthcare workers in a Belgian hospital and their immune response.
Site-specific cancer mortality inequalities by employment and occupational groups: a cohort study among Belgian adults, 2001–2011