Het Belgisch Continentaal Plat: Herdefiniëring van de grenzen van de concessiezones voor zandwinning en definiëring van de kabelzones
Recommendations for the sustainable exploitation of tidal sandbanks
Study of sand dynamics at small scale on the Belgian Continental Shelf to evaluate the risk of mine burial
Environmental impact study in the framework of the construction of the NORFRA gas pipeline on the Belgian Continental Shelf. Second report: period after pipe laying (autumn 1997)
Environmental impact study in the framework of the construction of the INTERCONNECTOR gas pipeline on the Belgian Continental Shelf. Second report: period immediately after the pip...
Environmental impact study in the framework of the construction of the INTERCONNECTOR gas pipeline on the Belgian Continental Shelf. First report: period prior to pipe laying (spri...
Effect of aggregate extraction on MSFD descriptor 7 (hydrographic condition) in the Hinder Banks area (Belgian Continental Shelf)
Polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlor pesticides in sediment of the Belgian Continental Shelf
Analysis of bathymetrical derived features on the Belgian Continental Shelf as a support for marine habitat mapping
Het plankton van het Belgisch Continentaal Plat