Limacodidae, parasites du bananier avec références spéciales en Côte d'Ivoire sur Teinorhyncha umbra (HOLLAND)
Araguaia River Floodplain: Macrohabitat Classification of a Large Tropical Savanna Wetland ; Humedal del Río Araguaia: Clasificación de los Macrohábitat de un-Gran Humedal de Saban...
Araguaia River Floodplain: Macrohabitat Classification of a Large Tropical Savanna Wetland ; Área Alagável do Rio Araguaia: Classificação dos Macrohabitat de uma Grande Área Úmida...
Bananas, oil, and development: examining the resource curse and its transmission channels by resource type
Bananas, oil, and development : examining the resource curse and its transmission channels by resource type