CASES: Video. The prevalence and characteristics of interpersonal violence against children (IVAC) inside and outside sport in six European countries
Post-covid policy responses to health workforce capacities:comparing health system resilience
Die Flucht des Königs von Holland nach Teplitz und Graz und seine Überwachung durch die österreichische geheime Polizei ; The flight of the king of Holland to Teplitz and Graz and...
Declining homogamy of Austrian-German nobility in the 20th century? A comparison with the Dutch nobility
Primerjalna analiza sistemov javnega nadzora nad revidiranjem v izbranih državah EU ; A comparative analysis of public oversight of auditing in selected EU countries
Representing Regions, Challenging Bicameralism: An Introduction
Jewish socialists in Galicia and Marxist debates over the national question before World War I
Pompe funebre du très-pieux et très-puissant Prince Albert, Archiduc d'Autriche, Duc de Bourgogne, de Brabant, &c. : representée au naturel en tailles douces /
Vliv rozdílných společensko-politických podmínek na fungování konsociační demokracii v Západní a ve Východní Evropě ; The influence of different socio-political conditions on the f...
Disability Studies in the Universal Design University