Besetzte Räume: Alltag und soziale Interaktionen unter luxemburgischer Besatzung in Bitburg (1945–1955)
Transnational Soldiering, Burial and Commemoration across Borders: The Case of Luxembourgers in the French Foreign Legion
Aletta Jacobs and the Dutch Cap: The Transfer of Knowledge and the Making of a Reputation in the Changing Networks of Birth Control Activists
The Dutch Conductor Willem Mengelberg and the Opportunities of a »New« Dutch-German Music Scene, 1936–1945
Identifying »Enemy Citizens«: Dutch (De-)Enemisation Policies towards German Nationals (1944–1967)
A »Burden« from the Second World War?: The »Breda Four« and their Effect on German-Dutch Relations
Learning from Failure: The First World War and the »Flamenpolitik« of the German Militärverwaltung in Belgium in 1940
Belgium: The End Started in 1968
Measuring Lost Time: Civilians’ Diaries in Occupied Belgium
The »Van Boschuysen Affair« in Leyden: Conflicts between Elite Networks in Late Medieval Holland