Income taxation in an empirical collective household labour supply model with discrete hours
Income Taxation in an Empirical Collective Household Labour Supply Model with Discrete Hours
Part-time jobs: what women want?
Intra-household work timing: The effect on joint activities and the demand for child care
Intra-Household Work Timing: The Effect on Joint Activities and the Demand for Child Care
Landwirtschaftliches Bauwesen : Rückblick und Zukunftsperspektiven ; Farm Building : Survey and Preview
Identities, conflicting behavioural norms and the importance of job attributes
Accounting for total work in labour statistics
Sabbaticals in Deutschland und Belgien: der gesetzliche Anspruch macht den Unterschied aus
Lebenslaufpolitik in den Niederlanden: gesetzliche Optionen zum Ansparen längerer Freistellungen: "verlofspaarregeling" und "levensloopregeling"