Genetic evaluation considering phenotypic data and limited molecular information using a novel equivalent model: Case study using effect of the mh locus on milk production in the d...
Myostatin mutation causing double muscling could affect increased psoroptic mange sensitivity in dual purpose Belgian Blue cattle.
Quelle est la perception de l’avortement chez les éleveurs ovins-caprins en Belgique? ; What is the perception of abortion among sheep and goat breeders in Belgium?
Caracterización y tipificación de sistemas de ganadería de cría en la sabana inundable del departamento de Arauca
Genetic parameters of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids estimated by test-day model in Walloon dairy cattle
Defining and using novel milk composition based heat stress resilience traits in the context of genomic selection for more robust dairy cows in Wallonia
Effect of the milk recording time on the genetic parameters of milk production and mid-infrared milk components in Luxembourg dairy cattle
Hedges and woody strips browsing by cattle on pasture in Wallonia, Belgium ; Broutage des haies et bandes boisées par des bovins sur parcours en Wallonie, Belgique
Contribution à l'étude de l'optimum technico-économique de l'intervalle vêlage chez les vaches laitières en Wallonie, plus particulièrement en Région herbagère liégeoise ; Contribu...
Performances of Adaptive MultiBLUP, Bayesian regressions, and weighted-GBLUP approaches for genomic predictions in Belgian Blue beef cattle.