Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide. I. How Often is it Practised by Family Doctors in the Netherlands?
Decreasing the number of consultations for minor illnesses of Turkish and Dutch inhabitants of a deprived area in The Netherlands: an intervention study
Patient satisfaction with large-scale out-of-hours primary health care in The Netherlands: development of a postal questionnaire
Low yield of population-based screening for Type 2 diabetes in the Netherlands: the ADDITION Netherlands study
Co-morbidity obese children in family practice in The Netherlands: the results of a pilot study
Nutrition guidance in The Netherlands: the role of the GP in the translation from population strategy to individual approach
The development of a minimal intervention strategy to address overweight and obesity in adult primary care patients in The Netherlands
Parental experiences and attitudes regarding the management of acute otitis media--a comparative questionnaire between Finland and The Netherlands
Vulnerability and the 'slippery slope' at the end-of-life: a qualitative study of euthanasia, general practice and home death in The Netherlands
Telephone consultations on palliative sedation therapy and euthanasia in general practice in The Netherlands in 2003: a report from inside