StrainInfo SI-ID 131425.1 ...
StrainInfo SI-ID 131425.2 ...
Depth-related differences in archaeal populations impact the isoprenoid tetraether lipid composition of the Mediterranean Sea water column ...
Depth-related differences in archaeal populations impact the isoprenoid tetraether lipid composition of the Mediterranean Sea water column
IPL-GDGT composition within the suspended particulate matter collected within the water column of the Mediterranean Sea ...
CL-GDGT abundance and composition within the suspended particulate matter collected within the water column of the Mediterranean Sea ...
IPL-GDGT composition within the suspended particulate matter collected within the water column of the Mediterranean Sea
(Table 3) Occurrence of radiolaria in upper loer Eocene and lower middle Eocene samples of ODP Hole 134-827B ...
(Table 3) Occurrence of radiolaria in upper loer Eocene and lower middle Eocene samples of ODP Hole 134-827B
CL-GDGT abundance and composition within the suspended particulate matter collected within the water column of the Mediterranean Sea