Characteristics of helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS) dispatch cancellations during a six-year period in a Dutch HEMS region
Sex, AIDS, migration, and prostitution : human trafficking in the Caribbean
Aid, Spending Strategies and Productivity Effects – A Multi-sectoral CGE Analysis for Zambia
Dying in the dust ; Peter Ellem and Warren Croser
Prediction of functional loss in emergency surgery is possible with a simple frailty screening tool
Appui à la gestion des risques d’inondation par ruissellement en zones rurales. Analyse coûts-avantages et aide à la décision. Document de vulgarisation
State fragility and international development cooperation
The conference.
Importance de la Politique Agricole Commune dans l'évolution des exploitations agricoles en Hainaut
Interview with Janet Holland, original member of the WRAP team (Interview transcript)