Baseline characteristics.
Vaccine doses, daily new confirmed cases, ICU patients, and death cases in Belgium.
Stringency index in Belgium.
ANGELA IDA VILLA, Sul Pascoli cripto-interprete di Leopardi. La memoria del mazzo floreale del Polifemo dell’Idillio XI di Teocrito nelle notazioni reticenti, dissimulatrici e depi...
Selected, minimum, and maximum Manning’s coefficients [64] tested during sensitivity analysis for landcover present in the floodplain near the San Saba River, TX, U.S.A used in a 2...
Average ± standard deviation of hydraulic conditions for simulated flow events at 200 sampling sites in the upper San Saba River, TX.
Estimates of median average hydraulic variables (median ± standard deviation) for 200 sites in the San Saba River, TX given minimum, selected, and maximum Manning’s coefficients fo...
Spearman correlation coefficients (r) between hydraulic variables and mussel indicators at the site scale.
Spearman correlation coefficients (r) between hydraulic variables and mussel indicators at the mesohabitat scale.
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