Effects of habitat fragmentation in a tropical rain forest ecosystem: a case study on the genetic diversity of small mammal communities in the Lower Kinabatangan floodplain on Born...
Motivations of farmers to participate in collective agri-environmental schemes: the case of Dutch agricultural collectives ...
Chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis in children: a multicentre Belgian cohort of 30 children
Restrained eating in Lebanese adolescents: scale validation and correlates
Behaviour, interactions and habitat use of European bison (Bison bonasus), Exmoor ponies (Equus ferus) and Dybowski deer (Cervus nippon hortulorum) in a mixed-species enclosure at...
Chlamydia caviae in Swiss and Dutch Guinea Pigs—Occurrence and Genetic Diversity
Transboundary ecological networks as an adaptation strategy to climate change: The example of the Dutch - German border ...
10 questions: a Belgian pathologist, Peter Van Eyken, on the future of pathology. Interview by Sonia Nemolato
Perfil bioquímico y hematológico del cocodrilo del Orinoco (Crocodylus Intermedius) y tortugas acuáticas mantenidas en condiciones ex-situ
Determinación de Cyanoprokaryotas planctónicas y su potencial en la producción de cianotoxinas en un embalse de la sabana de Bogotá - Colombia