Barnacles (Cirripedia, Balanomorpha) in Belgian waters, an overview of the species and recent evolutions, with emphasis on exotic species
Letter from Mortimer Livingston to Alden Partridge, 29 August 1815.
Herinneringen van Dr. Aletta H. Jacobs
Historical and military lecture.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Dickenson oral history interview [audio]
18-8-31, inauguration du pavillon de Hollande, arrivée des officiels [maréchal Lyautey] : [photographie de presse] / [Agence Rol]
Letter from Truman Ransom to Alden Partridge, 8 January 1828.
Denkwürdigkeiten aus den Papieren des Freiherrn Christian Friedrich v. Stockmar
Meteorological observations during MERCUUR cruise from Puerto Cabello to Bonaire started at 1820-07-27 ...