Statin use after diagnosis is associated with an increased survival in esophageal cancer patients: a Belgian population-based study.
Risk adjusted benchmarking of abdominoperineal excision for rectal adenocarcinoma in the context of the Belgian PROCARE improvement project.
Mitä eutanasian laillistaminen tarkoittaisi Suomessa? : Hyvä saattohoito turvaa arvokkaan kuoleman tuhansille, eutanasia vain harvoille
Influenza-epidemie in een verpleeghuis door een virus dat niet in het vaccin was opgenomen
Willingness to pay for lives saved by helicopter emergency medical services
Is palliative care a utopia for older patients with organ failure, dementia or frailty? A qualitative study through the prism of emergency department admission.
Prevalence and incidence density rates of chronic comorbidity in type 2 diabetes patients: an exploratory cohort study
The health care costs of smoking
Cross-sectional study on the prevalence of influenza and pneumococcal vaccination and its association with health conditions and risk factors among hospitalized multimorbid older p...
How to measure the burden of mortality?