De eerste stem van allochtone jongeren in Brussel: een analyse van de kiesintenties bij de federale verkiezingen van 2007
Students with an immigrant background in Brussels and their first vote: an analysis of voting intentions for the 2007 federal elections
Does affective polarisation increase turnout? Evidence from Germany, The Netherlands and Spain
The Vlaams Belang: A Mass Party of the 21st Century
Project Mahathir: ‘Extraordinary’ Population Growth in Sabah
The interplay of economic vote dimensions: inequality, redistribution preferences and support for incumbents
Is the (Mass) Party Really Over? The Case of the Dutch Forum for Democracy
Continuity of care for patients with a severe mental disorder:studies using Dutch health insurance registry data
Penser l’impensable. Le droit de vote des étrangers aux élections nationales dans le contexte multinational du Luxembourg et dans le contexte fédéral de l’Union européenne
Folder 1, Nederland, 1953-1960.