Herstel van vochtige en venige heide in het Vlaams natuurreservaat ‘De Ronde Put’ te Mol-Postel:aanvullende gegevens over abiotische kansrijkdom en vereiste beheermaatregelen
Conservation status of the Natura 2000 habitat 2330 (Inland dunes with open Corynephorus and Agrostis grasslands) for the Belgian Atlantic region
Conservation status of the Natura 2000 habitat 4030 (European dry heaths) for the Belgian Atlantic region
Conservation status of the Natura 2000 habitat 4010 (Northern Atlantic wet heaths with Erica tetralix) for the Belgian Atlantic region
Conservation status of the Natura 2000 habitat 2310 (Dry sand heaths with Calluna and Genista) for the Belgian Atlantic region
Conservation status of the Natura 2000 habitat 7110 (Active raised bogs) for the Belgian Atlantic region
Conservation status of the Natura 2000 temperate heath habitats for the Belgian Atlantic region
Conservation status of the Natura 2000 habitat 7150 (Depressions on peat substrates of the Rhynchosporion) for the Belgian Atlantic region
Conservation status of the Natura 2000 raised bog, mire and fen habitats for the Belgian Atlantic region
Systematiek van natuurtypen voor de biotopen heide, moeras, duin, slik en schor:deel 2 : heide