Verhandeling van het zog der vrouwen, ter beantwoordinge op de vraage by de Hollandsche Maatschappye der Weetenschappen opgegeeven in de jaaren 1760 en 1761 .
Dissertation sur ce qu'il convient faire pour diminuer ou supprimer le lait des femmes, &c. : ouvrage couronné par la Société hollandoise des sciences, à Harlem, le vingt-u...
Sensor based time budgets in commercial Dutch dairy herds vary over lactation cycles and within 24 hours
The relationship between Holstein cows exterior and dairy productivity by various breeding
Information Needs and Counseling Preferences among Potential Users of the Future Teratology Information Service in Belgium: A Cross-Sectional Study Involving the Public and Healthc...
The analysis of production and reproduction parameters of Holstein cows from Holland and Germany in J.-S.C. bdquo;Aydynrdquo;
The analysis of production and reproduction parameters of holstein cows from holland and germany in J.-S.C. bdquo;Aydynrdquo;
Noodzakelijke stappen naar een daling van het antibioticumgebruik op Vlaamse melkveebedrijven - Deel 1 : preventie en selectief droogzetten = Required steps towards antibiotic redu...
Descriptive characteristics of respondents.
Themes sub-themes and codes of the challenges of women who induced lactation.