Henkens, M T H M, Raafs, A G, Verdonschot, J A J, Linschoten, M, van Smeden, M, Wang, P, van der Hooft, B H M, Tieleman, R, Janssen, M L F, Ter Bekke, R M A, Hazebroek, M R, van der Horst, I C C, Asselbergs, F W, Magdelijns, F J H, Heymans, S R B
Veröffentlicht in: Henkens , M T H M , Raafs , A G , Verdonschot , J A J , Linschoten , M , van Smeden , M , Wang , P , van der Hooft , B H M , Tieleman , R , Janssen , M L F , Ter Bekke , R M A , Hazebroek , M R , van der Horst , I C C , Asselbergs , F W , Magdelijns , F J H , Heymans , S R B & CAPACITY-COVID collaborative consortium 2022 , ' Age is the main determinant of COVID-19 related in-hospital mortality with minimal impact of pre-existing comorbidities, a retrospective cohort study ' , BMC Geriatrics , vol. 22 , no. 1 , 184 . https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-021-02673-1;