The striking Netherlands: time series analysis and models of socio-economic development and labour disputes, 1850-1995
A decision theoretical analysis of decisions of the Dutch government in exile during World War II
The field of Foucaultian discourse analysis: structures, developments and perspectives
Rezension: Andrew Jamison; Ron Eyerman; Jacqueline Cramer: The making of the new environmental consciousness: a comparative study of the environmental movements in Sweden, Denmark...
Reconsidering the Link Between Self-Reported Personality Traits and Political Preferences
Einsatz digitaler Medien im Mathematikunterricht. Ein internationaler Vergleich von Bedingungsfaktoren auf Schulebene auf der Grundlage von PISA 2012
Communication patterns in educational science. An analysis of scientific journal publishing in the Netherlands
The Field of Foucaultian Discourse Analysis: Structures, Developments and Perspectives ; Das Feld der Foucaultschen Diskursanalyse: Strukturen, Entwicklungen und Perspektiven
The Striking Netherlands: Time Series Analysis and Models of Socio-economic Development and Labour Disputes, 1850-1995 ; Die Niederlande im Streik: Zeitreihenanalyse und Modelle de...
A decision theoretical analysis of decisions of the Dutch government in exile during World War II ; Eine entscheidungstheoretische Analyse der Entscheidungen der holländischen Regi...