‘A Medical Doctor in Politics’. Els Borst-Eilers and the Rise of Evidence-Based Healthcare in the Netherlands

This article examines how Els Borst-Eilers, Dutch minister of Health between 1994 and 2002, pursued the cause of Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) – an influential movement in the medical field that gained a particularly firm foothold in the Netherlands. It focusses on the way Borst-Eilers operated within the nexus between healthcare and politics, discussing whether or not this made her a boundary person (analogous to the notion of boundary concepts). In particular, the paper analyses how she deliberately cultivated her persona as a specialist minister (‘a doctor, not a politician’) and how she pr... Mehr ...

Verfasser: Nele Beyens
Dokumenttyp: Artikel
Reihe/Periodikum: BMGN
Sprache: Englisch
ISSN: 0165-0505
Weitere Identifikatoren: doi: 10.18352/bmgn-lchr.10307
Permalink: https://search.fid-benelux.de/Record/olc-benelux-1994272805
Datenquelle: Online Contents Benelux; Originalkatalog
Powered By: Verbundzentrale des GBV (VZG)
Link(s) : http://dx.doi.org/10.18352/bmgn-lchr.10307
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