The association between the carbon footprint and the socio-economic characteristics of Belgian households
The SDGs as a compass for the Belgian development cooperation : scoping paper
The SDGs as a compass for the Belgian development cooperation : inception report field studies
The SDGs as a compass for the Belgian development cooperation : case study: Uganda
De kwetsbare werkende. Een profielschets van armoede en financiële bestaanszekerheid bij werkende Belgen (COVIVAT Beleidsnota 4) ; The vulnerable worker. A profile of poverty and f...
Report : remote physiotherapy consultations in the Belgian primary health care context: lessons learned during the Covid-19 pandemic
A dispatching model based exploration of the post-nuclear phase-out Belgian energy mix
The Belgian Investment Company for Developing Countries (BIO) as a sustainable development actor
Is Development Studies leaving no one behind? Insights from an alumni study of three Belgian international programs in development studies
De 'Belgian Mental Health Monitor Covid-19', een methode om de overheidsrespons op de impact van covid-19 op de mentale gezondheid van de Belgische bevolking op te volgen