Für Ihre Suchanfrage - "Spekhorst , L M , Imhann , F , Festen , E A , Bodegraven , A A V , Boer , N K D , Bouma , G , Fidder , H H , D'Haens , G , Hoentjen , F , Hommes , D W , Jong , D J D , Löwenberg , M , Maljaars , P J , Meulen-de Jong , A E V D , Oldenburg , B , Pierik , M J , Ponsioen , C Y , Stokkers , P C , Verspaget , H W , Visschedijk , M C , van der Woude , C J , Dijkstra , G , Weersma , R K & Parelsnoer Institute (PSI) and the Dutch Initiative on Crohn and Colitis (ICC) 2017 , ' Cohort profile: design and first results of the Dutch IBD Biobank : A prospective, nationwide biobank of patients with inflammatory bowel disease ' , BMJ Open , vol. 7 , no. 11 , e016695 . https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016695 ; ISSN:2044-6055" - wurde keine Übereinstimmung gefunden.

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