operaties van de Militaire Luchtvaart KNIL in de periode december 1941 tot februari 1942
een kwestie van Air power ; de eindstrijd om Nederlands-Indië van de geallieerde lucht-, zee- en landstrijdkrachten in de periode van 18 februari t/m 7 maart 1942
the unknown allied air force in south-east Asia during its build-up and the initial stages of the Pacific war with detailed service and individual aircraft histories for each of th...
operaties van de militaire luchtvaart KNIL in de periode december 1941 tot maart 1942
an invasion which almost became a disaster for the Japanese if not for the panic with and bad decisions made by a few involved commanding officers
the final battles for the possession of Java fought by allied air, naval and land forces in the period of 18 February - 7 March 1942